Special Dietary Needs Management


Upon notification by a parent/legal guardian (hereafter, parent) that a student with a special dietary need will be attending FTCSC, the school nurse will send to the parent/legal guardian the following documents:

    • USDA Eating and Feeding Evaluation–Medical Orders
    • Food Allergy Emergency Care Plan (ECP)—Medical Orders
    • Release and Mutual Disclosure—permission to speak with the medical provider

Parents shall provide student’s meals until contacted by FTCSC Supervisor of Health Services or Registered Dietitian (RD) that all paperwork is in order, at which time the student may consume a USDA meal which is restricted for the special dietary need(s).  

A special dietary needs management and treatment plan shall be developed and signed by the student’s licensed healthcare provider and the parent of the student.  The plan identifies healthcare services necessary for the student during school hours.   

Upon notification from parent or receipt of the above completed medical documents, the school nurse shall notify the RD of the diet restriction and shall send a copy of the above documents to the RD.  The RD will add the student’s special dietary need to the school’s diet restriction listing and send the update to the school Child Nutrition Manager. FTCSC will provide accommodations in a reasonable amount of time. 

    • If the student can be accommodated within the meal pattern guidelines, the FARE/ECP form is acceptable.
    • If the student cannot be accommodated within the meal pattern guidelines, the following forms are required: 
      • Information about the child’s physical or mental impairment that is sufficient to allow the SFA to understand how it restricts the child’s diet
      • An explication of what must be done to accommodate the child’s disability
      • The food or foods to be omitted and recommended alternatives 

In the event that the meal modification does not fit inside of the USDA meal pattern guidelines, the RD will work with the current menu, Child Nutrition Manager, and student guardian to create a menu and modifications that fit within the student’s medical requirements.

The ECP shall serve as the Individualized Health Plan. The ECP shall be given to school staff as deemed appropriate by the school nurse, for the safety of the student during the school day.  The nurse and/or RD shall develop individualized education for the training of teachers, instructional assistants, staff who may be in contact with the student during the course of the school day. 

Annual instruction may include:

    • Methods to reduce exposure through ingestion
    • Recognition and prompt treatment of the student’s allergic response
    • Demonstration and successful performance of epinephrine administration

Healthcare provider orders regarding the special dietary need shall remain in effect for the duration of the student’s attendance in FTCSC.  The ECP with associated medications and actions shall be updated annually. Parents are responsible for notifying the school in the event of changes or updates to their student’s allergies.  Diet restrictions may be removed or altered only with written orders from the provider stating that the student no longer has a special dietary need.

Franklin Township will err on the side of caution when accommodating a student’s special dietary need while waiting on clarification from the medical provider. In all cases, orders from an allergist shall supersede orders from parent, family doctor or pediatrician. 

Latex balloons and gloves are not to be utilized within any FTCSC building. 


  1. Behrmann, J. (2010).  Ethical Principles as a Guide in Implementing Policies for the Management of Food Allergies in School. The Journal of School Nursing, 26, 183-193.
  2. www.foodallergy.org
  3. https://fns-prod.azureedge.us/sites/default/files/cn/SP40-2017a1.pdf
  4. http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/foodallergies/pdf/13_243135_A_Food_Allergy_Web_508.pdf
  5. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000817.htm
  6. http://www.jacionline.org/article/S0091-6749(10)01566-6/fulltext#sec2.4   
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvM8EaQpckw  
  8. http://www.stlouischildrens.org/health-resources/advocacy-outreach/food-allergy-management-and-education 

Printable Forms to be completed by parent/legal guardian and/or student’s licensed health care practitioner:

Food Allergy Emergency Care Plan