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Prohibited Conduct

Franklin Township Community School Corporation (the “Corporation”) prohibits criminal organization activity and similar destructive or illegal group behavior on school property, or school buses, or at school-sponsored functions.

The Corporation prohibits reprisal or retaliation against individuals who report suspected criminal organization activity and similar destructive or illegal group behavior or who are victims, witnesses, bystanders, or others with reliable information about criminal organization activity and similar destructive or illegal group behavior.


“Criminal Organization”: a formal or informal group with at least three members that specifically either:

(1) promotes, sponsors, or assists in; or participates in;

(2) requires as a condition of membership or continued membership; or

(3) has as one of its goals;

the commission of a felony or an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult or a battery offense included in IC 35-42-2.

“Criminal Organization activity”: a student who knowingly or intentionally actively participates in a criminal organization, or a student who knowingly or intentionally solicits, recruits, entices, or intimidates another individual to join a criminal organization.

Procedures for Reporting and Investigating

Corporation employees are required by law to report any incidence of suspected criminal organization activity, criminal organization intimidation, or criminal organization recruitment to the principal and school safety specialist.

The principal or designee shall conduct a thorough and complete investigation for each report of suspected criminal organization activity.

Each school within the Corporation shall record the number of investigations disposed of internally and the number of cases referred to local law enforcement, disaggregated by race, ethnicity, age, and gender. Each school shall report this information to the Superintendent or his or her designee, who shall submit a written report to the Indiana Department of Education by June 1 of each year.


A confirmed incident of criminal organization activity is a violation of the Corporation’s code of conduct. The principal or the principal’s designee shall respond to criminal organization activity, according to the parameters described in the Corporation’s code of student conduct and policy.

Intervention Services

The principal may provide intervention or relevant support services to a student involved in, or suspected of being involved, in criminal organization activity. The following types of services, including family support services, are available: counseling, establishing training programs to reduce criminal organization activity and enhance school climate, enlist parent cooperation and involvement, community and faith-based organizations and civic groups, after-school programs developed in collaboration with other stakeholders, school sanctioned/facilitated extra-curricular activities, or other appropriate action.

The Superintendent or his or her designee shall ensure that notice of this policy appears in the student handbooks and on the Corporation’s website.

I.C. § 20-19-3-12

I.C. § 20-26-18 et. seq.

I.C. § 20-33-9-10.5

I.C. § 35-45-9-1

Adopted 6/27/16

Revised 10/22/18

Revised 11/25/19

Revised 08/28/23