English Language Learners

Welcome to our ELL Homepage!

Here you will be able to access resources such as translated documents, ELL staff, WIDA testing, and much more! Read below for information about our program or follow any of the navigation links on the right to get started!

 Anyone wishing to learn more about the Dual Language program or how to become involved can contact Amy Hacker, ELL Coordinator of Franklin Township Community School Corporation at amy.hacker@ftcsc.org


The Franklin Township Community School Corporation is committed to meeting the educational needs of each student by generating positive outcomes for all students. The English Language Learner staff members in each building use a combination of push-in, pull-out and co-teaching services to support the students’ needs and engage students in all domains of language acquisition through individualized accommodations and specialized instruction, according to the Individual Learning Plans (ILPs).

What is English Language Learner (ELL)?

ELL refers to a methodology of providing instructional services to language minority students. A language minority student is any child whose linguistic background, such as country of origin or home environment, includes a language other than English. ELL services enhance students’ acquisitions of English Language Proficiency and understanding of academic content. Modifications are made to lessons and assignments by the ELL teacher and the teacher in the content area classrooms with the appropriate level of English language development for each student.

ELL Proficiency Levels

ELL student’s proficiency level is determined by assessing his/her listening, speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension with a formal English language Proficiency instrument that identifies students with an ELP level 1 through 6.

      • Level 1Entering: Student does not understand or speak English with few exceptions.
      • Level 2Beginning: Student understands conversational and academic English with some difficulty
      • Level 3Developing: Student responds with increasing ease to more varied communication tasks.
      • Level 4Expanding: Student understands and speaks conversational English, but may still need support with academic language
      • Level 5Bridging: Student is able to understand and speak conversational and academic English, although they may still require occasional support
      • Level 6 – Reaching: Student can communicate effectively without difficulty and display academic achievement

What is WIDA

WIDA stands for World Class Instructional Design and Assessment. WIDA are a comprehensive set of ELP standards. These standards are designed to help teachers provide high quality instruction and equitable educational opportunities for all K-12 English Learners. The WIDA standards address the acquisition of social/instructional and academic English across all content areas.

The WIDA English Language Development (ELD) standards promote academic language development for English Learners in five areas:

      • Social and Instructional languagee or the language of school
        • ex: Organize your notes for your test over the civil war
      • Language of language arts
      • Language of mathematics
      • Language of science
      • Language of social studies

The Franklin Township English Learner team is currently evaluating the English Learner program by utilizing the English Learner Program Evaluation Toolkit from IDOE. More information from IDOE can be found here: https://www.doe.in.gov/elme

For More Information Contact
Amy Hacker