
Current 2024-2025 School Year New Family, 2025-2026 New Family, and 2025-2026 Kindergarten Enrollment

  • Step 1: Complete the Family Access request form.
  • Step 2: Upon completion of the request form, you will receive an email from skyward@ftcsc.org containing your username and a link to set your password.
  • Step 3a: If enrolling for K-12 for the CURRENT school year (2024-2025 school year), click the tile labeled ‘2024-2025 New Student.’

  • Step 3b: 2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration If enrolling for K-12 for the 2025-2026 school year, click the tile labeled ‘2025-2026 New Student.’
  • Step 3c: ****Will be updated at the beginning of April 2025**** If enrolling for Preschool, Click the tile labeled ‘2023-2024 Preschool New’ or ‘2024-2025 Preschool New’
  • Step 4: After clicking the tile, you will be able to begin the registration process by clicking on the ‘Start’ button in the lower left of your screen
    • The registration form does not need to be completed in a single sitting and will save your place as you progress. You may return to complete the form at a later time if necessary.
  • Step 5: To complete registration, ensure that all fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are completed and proceed to the final step in the form to review and press the ‘submit’ button.
  • Step 6: After you submit your registration, the application will be electronically sent to the school office. School office staff will contact you at a later date to verify and confirm enrollment.