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This administrative guideline is established in an attempt to assure proper control of any pesticides or other harmful chemicals that might be used on Corporation premises. “Pesticide” is defined as a fungicide used on plants, an insecticide, an herbicide, or a rodenticide.

The intent of this guideline is to prevent unnecessarily exposing Corporation staff members, students, or the public to potentially harmful substances.

Pesticides will be applied only by certified pesticide applicators or individuals operating under their supervision. The certified pesticide applicator shall train non-certified staff members who apply pesticides. The training must include:

  1. a review of the Corporation’s pest control policy;
  2. a review of the label instructions for the pesticides to be used;
  3. methods to determine when an application of pesticide is necessary;
  4. how to minimize potential pesticide exposure to students, teachers, staff and the public;
  5. what activities are prohibited; and
  6. written documentation of the training.

An emergency application of pesticides is defined as when an application of pesticides is necessary to eliminate an immediate threat to human health and where it is impractical to obtain the services of a certified pesticide applicator, provided such emergency application does not involve restricted use of pesticide. Restricted-use pesticides may be used only by certified applicators or under their direct supervision.

Prior notice (two (2) instructional days) when school is in session will be provided to parents and staff members on the registry who have requested advance notice before the application of pesticides in accordance with Board Policy G250.

When possible, pesticide applications will be done during non-instructional time or during vacation periods.

Any pesticide application is prohibited when in the presence of children while they are in the room or on school grounds in or near the area to be treated. If an emergency application is necessary to eliminate an immediate threat to human health, no person may enter the area of such application until it is safe to do so according to the provisions on the pesticide label.

In cases of an emergency application, prior notice is not required.

A copy of the records of each pesticide application at a school shall be maintained for a minimum of one (1) calendar year after application, in conjunction with school record retention schedules. The records will contain the following information:

  1. date and time of the inspection and pesticide application;
  2. pests found during inspection;
  3. brand name and active ingredient of pesticides(s);
  4. EPA registration number of pesticides(s);
  5. areas treated;
  6. name of applicator; and
  7. source of obtaining information on the pesticide label(s), material safety data sheets(s), and/or fact sheets(s) for end use concentrations.

Potentially harmful substances shall be chosen for the low levels of toxicity. The least toxic formulations and safest methods of application will be selected when there is a choice of products with comparable effectiveness. Whenever practical, non-chemicals shall be used.

Storage of harmful products will be kept to a minimum. Only enough of the product for a given application shall be purchased. All storage instructions will be followed explicitly. All such products and the application equipment will be stored away from other activities and especially separated from food products or occupied rooms. All storage facilities will be maintained as a locked area and clearly marked as containing pesticides.

All pesticide products will have complete label instructions, will remain in the original container and the Material Safety Data Sheet will be on file and readily available to any employee who must handle such materials or who may have exposed to the product. This information shall also be available to a member of the public upon request.

All applications of harmful products will be made in strict compliance with label instructions.

Corporation employees responsible for handling and applying pesticides shall have specific pesticide training. Training for Corporation employees to become certified pest control applicators is available through Purdue University. The Corporation may provide financial support of such training for employees designated by the Director of Facilities as needing such training. Such financial support will be subject to the availability of budgetary funds.

The Director of Facilities shall be the contact person for providing information regarding pesticide application at the school site, including but not limited to giving oral and written notification, supervising the sending of notifications required by school policy and maintaining records of pesticide applications.

Franklin Township Community School Corporation

Adopted: 6/23/20