School Board

The Franklin Township School Board holds regular meetings on the fourth Monday of each month at 6 p.m. Special meetings to address specific topics are scheduled periodically throughout the year. All regular and special meetings are open to the public and are typically held in the Board/Community Room of the Administration Building, located at 6141 S. Franklin Rd. Executive sessions, which are closed to the public, are convened only to discuss matters specified by law, such as negotiations and personnel issues. No formal action is taken during executive sessions. In compliance with legal requirements, all official decisions are made during public meetings. Notices for all meetings are posted at the Administration Building and on the district website at least 48 hours in advance. A Notice of the current approved meeting dates is sent to local news media in January.

Agendas are available on the overhead monitors in the Board/Community Room. Community members wishing to to address the board may do so during the “Welcome and Public Comments” section and are asked to sign in before the meeting begins.

Follow the link below for meeting agendas, livestreams, and minutes:

The role of the School Board is to create policy.  The role of the Superintendent is to implement the policy through administrative guidelines, directives and daily interactions with staff, students and the community.

Follow the link below for Corporation Policies:

School Board Members

Zachary Smith Howard
School Board President
Dawn A. Downer
School Board Vice President
Larry J. Walker
Board Secretary
Beth Yoder
Ryan Donovan